Assistant Editor
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We are looking for candidates willing to stay connected to scientific research by helping researchers worldwide publish their latest results.
The position of Assistant Editor is a full-time position based in Singapore.
As an Assistant Editor you will:
- Support the editorial process for academic research journals in your domain of expertise
- Organize peer review for submitted manuscripts and coordinate editorial decisions
- Handle email communication between the parties involved in the publication process
- Collaborate with other members of the editorial team and production team
- Ensure that scholarly articles are accurately edited and published according to tight deadlines with a high degree of consistency
- Only Singaporeans and SPR
- Bachelor, Master or Ph.D. degree in Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Physics, Computer Science, Materials Science, Agriculture, Medicine and Pharmacy, Ecology and Environmental Sciences;
- Advanced knowledge of MS office applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- Strong English skills in written and spoken language
- Ability to multi-task, attention to detail
- Organizational and time management skills
- Professional experience with scholarship publishing is an advantage
- Strong communication and coordination skills
- Previous editorial experience is desirable, but not required. Fresh graduates are also welcome to apply.
What we offer:
- Professional and personal development
- International work environment
- Flexible working hours in the limits of a full-time job
- Trips to the other MDPI offices
- Attending Scientific Conferences
- Competitive salary, benefits
- Locations
- Singapore Office
About MDPI
A pioneer in scholarly open access publishing, MDPI has supported academic communities since 1996. Our mission is to foster open scientific exchange in all forms, across all disciplines. We operate more than 400 diverse, peer-reviewed, open access journals supported by over 66,000 academic editors. We serve scholars from around the world to ensure the latest research is openly and broadly available.
MDPI is headquartered in Switzerland with additional offices in Europe, Asia and North America. We are committed to ensuring that high quality research is made available as quickly as possible. We also support sustainability projects, with sustainability as a key theme in many journals and through the MDPI Sustainability Foundation.
Assistant Editor
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